About us

We offer the most unique places in Croatia

Our Story

This site started as an idea to provide the listing for all interesting and unique locations in Croatia.

Whether you are planning a quick weekend getaway, family vacation, event,  tour,  unique place visit, or just searching for local business you can find it all here easily.

Our Values


We try very hard to provide quality descriptions and accurate locations for all listings on the site.


Our entire team works together to improve ideas for the website.


Everyone on the team is equally important and we share opinions and respect for each other as well as for our visitors.


We strive to be the most reliable and accessible portal to all.


To make it easier in finding tourist locations and attractions for site visitors.


We invest significant resources in improving the site to make it content-rich and at the same time easy to use.

Press Room

Priča o ljubavi podno Velebita

Rijeka Krupa je na svojih samo 7 kilometara, uspjela smjestiti nebrojene ljepote i raznolikosti. Jedna od takvih…

Dvorac Pejačević

Kada sljedeći put budete razmišljali kamo ćete otići na vikend izlet, svakako pružite priliku Virovitici. Ovaj grad…

Nerezinska regata tradicijskih barki na jedra

Nerezinska regata tradicionalna je manifestacija na kojoj se prikazuju tradicijske pomorske vještine i izložbe brodica. Regata se…


July 2024

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August 2024

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